Hello, Beauties! Today I bring you some super low cost sun cream from the Amalfi brand. These products are manufactured by the Valencian company Quimi Romar, dedicated to the manufacture of products for hygiene and the home, and which manufactures references that are sold in 46 countries. Opinion Amalfi sun cream: This solar line has 10 references, manufactured in Spain 100%, with raw materials of...
Hello, Beauties! Insomnia is a great problem for the beauty of women, but above all it is a great health problem. It can affect all people but the most vulnerable to suffer it are women, the elderly, people with anxiety, psychological depression or oproblemas. It may be that you can not sleep because of a study or work problem, because you have eaten a lot or if you have to do something that worri...
Hello girls! Today I bring you some beauty works to lighten hair with lemon. Of course there are many ways to clear your hair, just go to the hairdresser and they offer you a wide variety of ways to do it. But I bring you a homemade beauty trick for those who do not want to spend money or for girls who do not want to add chemicals to your hair. Beauty trick to rinse your hair with lemon: 1. You wi...
Hello, Beauties! Surely most of you know or have heard about the Demak'up brand. It is a brand of cotton discs and makeup wipes. As you all know because I have already said it on more than one occasion I am much more than using the cotton disks that the wipes. But they say that for tastes the colors, right? To have a clean face we have to carry out our beauty ritual twice a day once a night and on...