Hello girls! A great majority liked the article of the blog a lot. Can you find a partner online? and I've always thought you could, although the big surprise I took it to discover that many of you had found love online and another told me that you were looking for. That's why today I'm looking for a new way to find love online, it's about speed dating events. What are the speed dating events? You...
Today I bring you a trick for different girls, usually I always bring cosmetics or beauty things but holes I bring something to make our photos look beautiful. Most of us use the Instagram filters but it is a little seen, the effect "Valencia" I have seen it already in 8.000.000 million photos, for that reason I bring you a program to go well in our photos and give it a different touch. The progra...
Hello, Beauties! Today I bring you some super low cost sun cream from the Amalfi brand. These products are manufactured by the Valencian company Quimi Romar, dedicated to the manufacture of products for hygiene and the home, and which manufactures references that are sold in 46 countries. Opinion Amalfi sun cream: This solar line has 10 references, manufactured in Spain 100%, with raw materials of...
Hello beauty! The Silk-épil 5-329, is one of the latest developments we have in epilators and is the one I'm going to talk about today. There were 4 products to choose from as it is from a project next to you, lasilk-epil 7 which is the one that can get wet, the silk-épil 5380, the dryer satin -hari 7 sensodryer H 785 and the one that I have the silk -tepil-329 that comes with the gift of an elect...