Hello girls! A great majority liked the article of the blog a lot. Can you find a partner online? and I've always thought you could, although the big surprise I took it to discover that many of you had found love online and another told me that you were looking for. That's why today I'm looking for a new way to find love online, it's about speed dating events. What are the speed dating events? You...
Hello girls! Some time ago I tried to exercise, and I even wrote some posts in this blog as: - The benefits of doing squats. - As marcarabdominales. But then summer came, and during these last 2 months I left a little parked the issue of exercise, but the good thing is that with the arrival of October, I return with the batteries charged and I have known a website called sportzone that you can see...
Hello girls! Surely more than one beer associated with fat belly, but besides putting your fat belly with this drink we can also do many beauty tricks. Today I bring you 3 homemade beauty tricks for our hair: 1. Homemade trick for damaged hair. You will need a glass of beer without alcohol, a spoonful of olive oil and a boat or similar. - We open lacerveza and wait 2 hours, you will have to wait a...
Hello girls! Now that we are in the BBC era (weddings, baptisms and communions), you have surely received a gift in some of these events, but most are usually very simple and ugly as is often the case of the figurines and company. So today I bring you an idea of gifts for low cost guests and that everyone will like, I talk about the new boxes that have been launched from La Delaviuda confectione...