Hello, Beauties! Insomnia is a great problem for the beauty of women, but above all it is a great health problem. It can affect all people but the most vulnerable to suffer it are women, the elderly, people with anxiety, psychological depression or oproblemas. It may be that you can not sleep because of a study or work problem, because you have eaten a lot or if you have to do something that worri...
Hello, Beauties! Today I bring you something that would like to all lovers of beauty and feminine cosmetics. A beauty planning; What is the use of this beauty and cosmetics planning? 1. To sign up every day the beauty routine that you will take. 2. So you do not forget when you have to do an exfoliation or a mask. 3. You will discover the best beauty tricks and you will always have them at hand so...
Hello, Beauties! Today I bring you some super low cost sun cream from the Amalfi brand. These products are manufactured by the Valencian company Quimi Romar, dedicated to the manufacture of products for hygiene and the home, and which manufactures references that are sold in 46 countries. Opinion Amalfi sun cream: This solar line has 10 references, manufactured in Spain 100%, with raw materials of...
Hello, Beauties! Recently we saw How to know if your chest is down? but many times we are ourselves with our bad habits that make the chest fall. Things we have to avoid so that our chest does not fall: 1. The first and most logical is that the chest falls by age, you can not pretend to be 60 years old the same chest you had with 20 years because with the step time is losing firmness, although if ...