Hello Beauties! Henna tattoos are in fashion, the truth is that they attract attention because they are pretty and quite striking but did you know that they can also be toxic? What are Henna tattoos? Henna tattoos are those made with a reddish dye that is extracted from plants from Africa and Asia. Henna is a plant from which the leaves are collected, then dried and crushed into powder that is used to dye. These tattoos do not require needles, they do not penetrate the epidermis, they are painless, temporary and supposedly not dangerous. The duration of these tattoos is usually about 2 - 3 weeks, depending on how we take care of it, the water, our skin type and the place where we have made the tattoo. But if you plan on getting one of these henna tattoos now you must be very careful as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is warning that it may have chemicals such as p-phenylenediamine (PPD), a banned ingredient in the cosmetics that paint the skin. What problems can you have if you get a henna tattoo? Some of the problems you can have if you get any of the henna tattoos are: blisters, scars, redness or loss of pigmentation. Did you know the drawbacks of henna tattoos? Did you know that they can be toxic?

Watch out! Henna tattoos can be toxic

Hello Beauties!
Henna tattoos are in fashion, the truth is that they attract attention because they are pretty and quite striking but did you know that they can also be toxic?


What are Henna tattoos?

Henna tattoos are those made with a reddish dye that is extracted from plants from Africa and Asia. Henna is a plant from which the leaves are collected, then dried and crushed into powder that is used to dye. These tattoos do not require needles, they do not penetrate the epidermis, they are painless, temporary and supposedly not dangerous.

The duration of these tattoos is usually about 2 - 3 weeks, depending on how we take care of it, of the water , of our type of skin and the place where we have made the tattoo.

But if you plan on getting one of these henna tattoos now you must be very careful as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) of the United States) is warning that it may have chemicals such as p-phenylenediamine (PPD), a prohibited ingredient in cosmetics that paint the skin.

What problems can you have if you get a henna tattoo? ?

Some of the problems you may have if you get any of the henna tattoos are: blisters, scars, redness or loss of pigmentation.

Did you know the drawbacks of henna tattoos ? Did you know that they can be toxic ?

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